Delaware Address Generator

Address information in Delaware

Zipcode: 19956

Street: 12593 County Seat Highway

Place: Laurel

County: Sussex

State: Delaware

Phone: 973-875-2691 (United Tel. Co. Of New Jersey…)

Mobile: 973-534-2691 (United Tel. Co. Of New Jersey…)

SSN: 222-84-0051 Verify SSN


Harold Sosa

Harold Sosa

12593 County Seat Highway
Laurel, DE 19956, USA

Title: Mr.   Gender: Male

Birthday: Dec. 5, 1986, 3:27 p.m.

Username: jessica26

Password: $IQB0NjiR3

Financial information

Credit Card: JCB 16 digit

Credit Card Number: 3507670005802857

Expiration Date: 07/34

CVV: 879

Company: Cruz, Browning and Smith Group

Job: Trading standards officer

Salary: $4000

IBAN: GB83AHXH1086572578577

BBAN: XZMO0892092335660

Other United States addresses